
Our manifesto is a powerful collection of 14 descriptive statements that make the vision of Nova Church clear.


We are an authentic church with a warm heart

A church whose authenticity and openness creates wide-open spaces for genuine community

We are an expansive church with explosive energy

A church whose rapid growth cannot be contained by buildings, explained by reason or restrained by location

We are a pioneering church with an adventurous spirit

A church where audacious faith sees impossible dreams become present realities

We are an innovative church with a creative soul

A church that reaches our culture through compelling art, cutting-edge media and an entrepreneurial mindset

We are a generous church with an open hand

A church who freely releases our time, talent and treasure to see the kingdom of God thrive on the earth

We are a relational church with abundant hospitality

A church whose hospitality ‘feels like family’ to people from every walk of life

We are a praying church with an electric atmosphere

A church whose atmosphere is charged with the faith of God’s people and a tangible touch of God’s presence

We are a unified church with a single vision

A church whose un-breakable unity attracts the favour of God in an unprecedented measure

We are an influential church with a presence that is felt

A church whose influence is a tangible reality in our cities, nations and world

We are a soul-winning church with a passion for revival

A church of new beginnings that sees both stadiums and homes alike, overflowing with people finding Jesus

We are a disciple-making church with unstoppable resolve

A church that raises an army of strong disciples who make disciples. 

We are a generational church with a leadership culture

A church that is consumed at every level, with raising and multiplying world-class leaders

We are a worshipping church with a prophetic voice

A church that births God-breathed songs that prophesy to the nations and stir the faith of the generations

We are a Jesus-centred church with a hunger for his presence

A church who passionately believes that fulfilment in life is found in both the revelation of Christ’s finished work on the cross and an on-going experience of the Holy Spirit’s presence.